Derech HaTorah of Rochester admits Jewish students whose parents desire a superior, balanced Judaic and general studies education for their children. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of our educational policies, admission policies, scholarships or other school-sponsored programs.
To apply to Derech HaTorah of Rochester, please complete and return the following:
- Application for Admissions Form (see download link below), - Non-refundable $300 per child registration fee (due by March 31,2024) - Scholarship Application Form - below, if needed. These forms can be found on the downloads page.
The tuition fee structure for 2024-2025 is as follows: - Current DHR families: Grades K - 8 $10,000 per family* - New DHR Families: Grades K - 8 $7,000 per new family Click here for promotion
We are eager to make the admissions process as easy and as painless as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail at (585) 266-2920 or [email protected].