Derech HaTorah of Rochester (DHR) is committed to providing a Torah education for all Jewish children. A seamless fusion of curricula has been developed to educate the whole child. DHR teaches a superior, scholastic curriculum that meets and exceeds New York State Education Department standards.
The intellectual and moral development of every student is maximized in a warm, nurturing learning environment. Each student is viewed as an individual, having multiple capacities, interests and intelligences. Thus, our educational philosophy reflects the wisdom of Proverbs: Chanoch l'naar al pi darko (educate each child according to his nature).
Goals & Objectives
- Unequivocal commitment to excellence - Implement a congruent academic program - Assessment of learning through multiple measures of academic achievement - Focus on Derech Eretz, including character development, integrity and respect for others - Motivate students to develop a positive self-image - Foster a learning environment that supports ethical and moral conduct - Strive to develop intellectually curious, critical thinkers - Encourage creativity - Enrich our educational product through a variety of creative and innovative programs and partnerships